Friday, July 31, 2009

A new experience... an experiment

So, today - I try this blogging thing again! Just updated my website and feeling so "net"-jetted right now!

As this is new to me - I'll see it as an experiment... something new. And perhaps for now, I'll hope that my pic will do the wording for me.

As this week brought new news about our new National Police Commissioner... a politician - my "Subject" should also be quite apt.

People having debates about what kind of action should be taken with criminals... what kind of punishment should be thought out to make them think twice before they commit a crime. Comparing our country with other countries where the Death Sentence is performed on a daily basis. The answer that one of Cape Talk's DJ's came up with... crime in those countries are NOT taking down in numbers, so - in fact - those kind of punishments are not working! Callers calling in arguing this and that... suggesting what Bheki Cele is to do with our country's crime rate.

But not ONE call saying that if our government were looking after their poor people, their people in need - that the need for committing crimes would not be there! Instead they see it fit to spend R70mil on 'celebrations' after the election. Money well spent!

I say - let's try something new... let's try a new experiment.

Let's start looking after our people.
Let's start a government-funded project.
Something like a daily soup kitchen in every needy area.
Like a government-funded 'fix and build houses' project.
Get everyone busy and useful - crime sprouts out of desperation and uselessness.

I can go on and on with this.

But for now - I'll focus on my photograph for today...

Something un-natural in something so natural ... the strewn crate on the beautiful beach, tangled in the bamboo the ocean threw out.

Not too different from the above, right?